Rev Pat Veenema
New Vista Learning Center
Engaging, Personal, Online New Thought Spiritual Explorations
Celebrating 10th Anniversary!
Since 2015, Rev. Pat Veenema has been at the forefront of leading a series of online spiritual conversations that uniquely promote deep engagement and meaningful dialogue among participants. Her unwavering commitment to nurturing a safe and welcoming environment allows individuals to explore their spiritual nature thoroughly and connect more profoundly with their inner selves. This approach fosters a vibrant community that is not only dedicated to spiritual growth but also to the ongoing journey of discovery and understanding.
New Vista is taking a New Direction
Beginning in January 2025, small groups and spiritual centers can invite me, Rev Pat, to join them on Zoom for rich spiritual conversations to help build community by facilitating conscious conversations among a locally based or online community.

Evolution in the Bible:
An Integral Overview of the Hebrew Scriptures
by Rev Pat Veenema, MDiv.
In this book, I invite you to make sense of the God of the Old Testament and the God of today.
I invite you to make peace with the God of the Old Testament while honoring the ancients.
I invite you to release the dogma of religion, evolve your perception of God and awaken to an integral understanding of the inevitable and necessary stages of collective and individual consciousness of humanity.

If you want to express gratitude for this ministry
Venmo: @PatVeenema
Cash App: $newvistalearning
or send a check to 805 S. Merritt Mill Rd. #208, Chapel Hill NC 27516
We open each session with a centering meditation that creates an intentional atmosphere for safe spiritual discussions.
No ideas are discounted. All spiritual expressions are honored.