Published in 2023
Evolution in the Bible: An Integral Overview of the Hebrew Scriptures
A book by Rev Pat Veenema, master teacher at New Vista Learning Center
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Cover Art: Tracie Loux
An “Integral Overview”
Taking an "integral" approach means that we practice seeing into the “other's” worldview without judgment.
We are aware of our journey through evolutionary stages (value-based worldviews). We understand that wherever anyone is in their journey at present is what’s working for them. When it stops working for them they will shift. But not without a bunch of resistance!
All of us have built our identity around judgments: "this, not that," and "me, not you." It’s a natural fear-based, survival instinct of the 1st Tier. When ego survival is exhausted, we gradually move into the fear-less 2nd Tier, which includes the release of the judgment of “others.” Our integral practice is the release of “othering” others. We learn to use discernment to know how to “be” with the world and all its diversity.
This is an integral practice.
Vision: I invite you to hold a vision with me, seeing limitless possibilities for great small-group discussions around Evolution in the Bible.
The Evolutionary Lens Provides Healing
I use a conversational narrative to take readers on a journey of discovering an evolutionary way of understanding the Bible.
Whether you're new to the Hebrew Scriptures or well-versed in them, you will find in this book a lens that brings clarity and insights into the evolution of humankind’s perception of The Presence and Principle some call “God.”
As I researched this topic, I went down a lot of "rabbit holes" to answer cultural, historical, political, and geological questions that came to mind. I included this context in specific sections of the book. You might choose to skip over them or find them helpful in your process of reconciling with the Bible. I hope you will discover an opportunity to free yourself from negativity or trauma concerning the Bible.
When we get together for our classes and book studies, I will share so much more, including slides, to help you see what I’ve discovered.
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Have you read it? Let me know what you processed. newvistaunity@gmail.com
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Book Discussion with the Author
Coming Spring 2024
Let Rev Pat know if you want to take this course for credit, as it meets the learning objectives for Unity's SEE Overview of Hebrew Scriptures.
I am delighted to be your companion as you read my book. Some readers may find the fascinating facts and ideas overwhelming, but with me, their curiosity is piqued and they become excited to explore the Bible from an evolutionary perspective.
My thanks to many people who listened, gave feedback and supported me in every way as I worked through the book-writing journey.
Deepest appreciation to Rev. EJ Niles for creating the concepts that served as the foundation for this book. It was her innovative idea to blend two different approaches, Spiral Dynamics and the Documentary Hypothesis. With the help of many dedicated individuals at Spiral Pathways ministry, who generously provided financial support during the writing process, she delved into interpreting the Bible from an evolutionary perspective.
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover but, maybe this cover is beyond what I could have imagined. Deep thanks to Tracie Loux cover illustrator and New Vista Unity student.
Jon Freeman, my Spiral Dynamics Certificate instructor at ValueMatch wrote the wonderful foreword. Thanks to Doris Wynbeek Rikkers, my very professional intelligent, frank, helpful, and supportive editor.
~Rev Pat Veenema